>> Wednesday, December 17, 2008

There are these groups that you can join, on a particular popular social network which will remain unnamed, where people vote for the prettiest girl. What is wrong with the world? There is so much more than what is on the outside....why do we feel constant need for affirmation that we are beautiful? When did this become a competition? Why can't we all just be beautiful, in our own way.

I just want to hug all of those beautiful Beautiful girls and tell them that they don't need that pressure. All they need to live up to is their own standards. I wish they knew that it doesn't matter what others say. If you can't be true to yourself, how are you ever going to be true to someone else?

When you see my face/I hope that you don't laugh/I'm not a film star beauty/I'll send a photograph/I hope that you don't laugh stars*


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