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>> Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Land of Opportunity is a state of mind.

It is an openness to new ideas,
a willingness to listen,

an eagerness to learn,

a desire to g r o w,

and the flexibility to ch

It is where we live and work when we choose to see wi
th new eyes,
live from our hearts,
allow ourselves and othe
rs to be who we truly are;


natural factors

>> Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I am listening to a song called 'west coast friendship'. Today I went to hot yoga for the first time. It was hard. I was going to write a long detailed, heart pouring out post today (I haven't posted for so very long), but then I remembered something becki told me about 'the blogger mindset' society seems to have these days. And so I shall leave it at this (the list I wrote so I wouldn't forget everything I want to think about/clear up in my mind and heart):
missing people
realizing your own destiny
following your dreams